Tag: Bazi


The greatest hindrance to our goal is Distraction. – BAZI When we want to drink water, we stand up, walk to the kitchen, pick up the glass, pour water, and drink. Straight, simple, and direct. If we want to get fitter, we have to watch our diet, note the...

How do we gain clarity? – Bazi

Clarity – a term that seems fairly straightforward but yet surprisingly difficult to achieve. Without clear clarity, we will lack direction and float everywhere. Is it even possible to achieve clarity in today’s world with so much distraction happening around us? Today, I would like to share with you...

Should we trust our gut feeling? – Bazi

Recently a friend of mine shared his e-commerce success over the last few months. He was hesitant in previous years. Instead, I told him, trust your gut feeling and have faith as your intuition will be heightened in 2020.  Many in Malaysia may know, we were in a state...

How to plot your Bazi chart? (The Modern Way)

Before we get started into using Bazi to assist us in our endeavors, the first step is to get our personal Bazi chart. In the old days, to plot your personal Bazi chart, you would need to visit a local Chinese temple. You will need to give the local...

Turn Readings Into Effective Consultation – Bazi (UDP)

As many of you may know, I do consultations for career progression and business improvement. One of the main tools used during my consultation is – Bazi (八字), a traditional Chinese astrology system plotted based on a person’s year of birth. One of the stumbling blocks for beginner users...

Chance of a lifetime – The Contriver 偏财 (“Pian Cai”)

In times of uncertainty (“such as the 2020 pandemic”), many would resort to contraction. It is the human’s default defensive mechanism to preserve for rainy days in order to ensure our existence. This is our “lizard brain” doing its work. On the contrary, we have also heard this saying,...

Creativity fuels progression – The Connoisseur 食神 (“Shi Shen”)

We have progressed so much over the past few decades since the inception of the Internet. The amount of advancement has grown exponentially. It is estimated that there will be more than 7000 mobile apps created daily in 2020. An estimation of 200 million emails will be sent, 4.2...

Journey into You – The Self 比肩 (“Bi Jian”)

The question that always seems to stumble mankind, is the question of who am I? As we advance through the technological age, we have devised many ways to understand the things that are happening around us. However, for as much as we have achieved, ironically, we seem to have...

Into the Unknown- The Oracle 偏印 (“Pian Yin”)

Many things in our world could not be explained by modern science, despite the technological advancement that we (“humans”) have managed to achieve in the 21st century. Questions such as why the Great Pyramid was built, are there other life forms beyond Earth, how much potential can human beings...

Bringing to the table – Career Progression

In the wild, many predators such as wolfs would hunt together in packs. They work together in the most orchestrated way to hunt down their prey. Some would play the role of a decoy, and some would pretend to fake chase the prey. One may distract the protector of...