Into the Unknown- The Oracle 偏印 (“Pian Yin”)

Many things in our world could not be explained by modern science, despite the technological advancement that we (“humans”) have managed to achieve in the 21st century. Questions such as why the Great Pyramid was built, are there other life forms beyond Earth, how much potential can human beings achieve, how does the human mind work, are there supernatural beings around us, all these questions remain a mystery to us. 

However, this does not stop us from seeking the unknown. It is the curiosity of the mind that drives us into seeking an answer. Even in ancient times, Chinese sages and metaphysicians developed tools to capture patterns so that we could study and collect empirical samples. 

The inquisitive mind stems from a person with a strong and dominant 偏印 (“Pian Yin”) BaZi structure. They are people who like to ask the question “What If?”. They are usually curious about the unexplored. They like to study patterns and trends. They like to research what others could not comprehend. They feel thrilled when being the first to know. They are usually intrigued by the concept of forecasting, predictive, and divination. They like to prove a point to themselves. Most of them are introverts because most people do not understand them. Traditionally, they are known as the “Oracle (译)”.

The traditional school system that focuses on textbook memorizing is not suitable for them. They are better at studying psychology, social science, predictive analyst, Mathematics, trends and pattern recognition, vision and sound prediction or even criminal mind investigation. 

In the working world, these people usually would be involved in areas of prediction, analytics or studying patterns of the future. Notable iconic people who have made the best out of this talent are the people who can predict way ahead of their time and make informed decisions due to the advanced information. Stock markets, business trends, crime investigation, people’s buying behavior are all areas that require information ahead of the current time.

On the flip side, a person with 偏印 (“Pian Yin”) BaZi structure is sometimes too self immerse and appears weird or unconventional. This is because their “what if” minds would sometimes delve into highly esoteric things. People that are too factual and material would not be able to understand them. Sometimes, people might find them a little eccentric. People with 偏印 (“Pian Yin”) that wish to contribute significantly in workplace would need to ensure that their work remains relevant to the masses, and not only to themselves.

Notable person with the Oracle 偏印 (“Pian Yin”) BaZi structure includes Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 (Ancient Strategist), Warrant Buffet (Richest Person) and Steven Hawking (Cosmologist).

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