Should we trust our gut feeling? – Bazi

Recently a friend of mine shared his e-commerce success over the last few months. He was hesitant in previous years. Instead, I told him, trust your gut feeling and have faith as your intuition will be heightened in 2020. 

Many in Malaysia may know, we were in a state of lock-down for the past few months and many people turned to online purchasing. The friend’s business tripled over the last few months, just by changing business mode into online e-commerce right before the lock-down.

Most people look into past facts for evidence whenever they confront a decision junction. While facts help us filter mistakes, too many facts create doubts which hinder progress and keep us withheld. Facts do not help us progress, intuition, and inspiration, on the other hand, propels us forward.

Thomas Edison may have gathered many facts during his trial and error journey when inventing light bulbs. It is his intuition and undying spirit that kept him forward and eventually succeeded to find that one working way.

The indirect resource 偏印 and resource elements 印星 in your Bazi chart represent intuition and gut feeling. Whenever this element becomes “useful” and heightened in some years, it indicates a good chance that your sense of intuition may serve you well. 

At times like these, you may want to pay more attention to what comes to your mind first and make that happen. Questioning too much about your intuition will soon cause you to lose trust in your senses. Not responding to your intuition by not taking any action will also cause your confidence towards your intuition fade in time. Intuition is like a muscle, the more you flex it, the stronger it gets.

So, the next time you come across a career or business junction, check if you have heightened intuition that year. And, if the answer is yes, have faith, do it, and propel forward!

#intuition #gutfeeling #bazi #starlifewisdom