Creativity fuels progression – The Connoisseur 食神 (“Shi Shen”)

We have progressed so much over the past few decades since the inception of the Internet. The amount of advancement has grown exponentially. It is estimated that there will be more than 7000 mobile apps created daily in 2020. An estimation of 200 million emails will be sent, 4.2 million Google searches, 60,000 Instagram photo uploads, 4.7 million youtube views, and 400 new Facebook users will be created in every 60 seconds.

How did the Internet enable such staggering numbers of growth? It is the connectivity of people and the exchange of information that ignite the sparks of creativity. For every piece of information exchanged, a seed of growth is implanted onto another person’s mind. Creativity then works as the nutrient to blossom and turn this seed into an elucidation.

The creative juice of a person stems from the Bazi 食神 👨‍🍳(“Connoisseur”) element/structure. The Chinese terminology for this element translates to a connoisseur aka eating god. In the olden Chinese society, creative people usually would spend their time creating poems, songs, food arts, or literature. As such, they get the name 食神 (“Connoisseur”) for people who enjoy the finer things in life. In modern times, there are many more creative avenues for one to pursue. Therefore, this element now represents the epitome of creation. Traditionally, they are known as the “Scholar (能)” 👨‍🎓.

In school, people with the Bazi 食神 element are recommended to pursue arts, creative and expressive domains. Skills such as arts 👨‍🎨, music, book writings, blog writing👨‍💻, language are all in a suitable line of development. On a more technical note, they could also pursue programmings, software development, video editing, or digital sound mixing.

In the working environment, these people are best involved in areas of creativity and research. They need time and resources to fine-tune their arts. They usually would thrive in areas of research and development, music production, movie making, fashion industry, event space creation, creative food, creative arts, creative fashion, and trends. They would also succeed in game development, apps development, and/or digital marketing.

On the flip side, persons with 食神 BaZi structure will sometimes be too immersed in their creation and appear eccentric. They like to create their own space without external interruption as they defined that as their creativity bubble. They might take a long time in the bubble and forget about practicality. Ironically, they will spend a huge amount of time tweaking their art to perfection, according to their benchmark, forgetting that creativity was initially meant for mankind’s progression.

The notable persons with the 食神 (Connoisseur) BaZi structure include Micheal Jackson (Pop King), Steve Jobs (Apple iPhone), and Scarlett Johansson (Actress – Black Widow).

The 食神 element in my Bazi is very strong too. 😆 Hence, I would prefer my working desk to be ‘perfectly’ arranged and cleaned before I start any virtual BaZi consultations/meetings.

Are you a strong 食神 too? Give me 5!

#BaZi #starlifewisdom #食神 #Connoisseur #personalitytrait