Category: Numerology

Pythagorean Summation, Attainment, and Master Number.

Thank you so much for the strong interest and participation in the various posts on Numerology. As we have gotten the basic traits of all the 9 numbers laid out, it is time to take things up a notch and introduce a slightly more advanced topic of numerology. By...

Applications of Destiny Number

There is a Chinese saying that goes – “Knowledge/information obtained without application is as good as not learning”. “ 知而不行,是为不知 ” Knowing about your Destiny number is just a first step. It is a piece of information you obtained about yourself. Without applying this knowledge, it is as good...

Compassionate Nine (9) – Numerology

We have finally reached the last destiny number. The worldly compassionate number 9. If you have forgotten how to get your Destiny Number, here is how you get em. Number nine 9 is the number that holds the most compassionate and loving energy among all the other numbers....

Energetic Eight (8) – Numerology

It’s time to take a look at everyone’s favorite energy number, the wealth, and energetic eight (8). If you have not gotten your Destiny Number, here is how you get em. On the surface, destiny number 8 is always associated with wealth, material, career, and business success. This...

Mysterious Seven (7) – Numerology

I hope everyone is getting the hang of Numerology so far. If you have not gotten your Destiny Number, here is how you get em. Let’s take a look at the mysterious Seven – 7 for this post. Of all the numbers, seven (7) gives out the most...

Nurturing Six (6) – Numerology

Welcome back to another post on numerology. Just in case you were wondering what is Destiny Number and how to get yours’, refer to this weblink This round, let us take a look at the number 6 Destiny Number.  Number 6 is the motherly figure of all Destiny...

Freedom to Fly (5) – Numerology

Let us take a look at another Destiny Number – Five (5). People with number 5 as their Destiny Number is all about freedom, change, and being different. They like changes and love to explore different subjects such as places, people, experience, food, work, and culture. As they value...

Stable as Four (4) – Numerology

Destiny number 4 is a highly organized and meticulous person. They are extremely dependable, hardworking, and practical. They take no-nonsense when it comes to work and they value professionalism a lot. They are the kind of people who would draft out detailed black and white schedules and plans. They...

Charismatic Star Three (3) – Numerology

In this post, we’ll be taking a look at Destiny Number 3.  Just in case you were wondering how to get your Destiny Number, refer to this web link People with destiny number 3 are often called the Star of numerology. They got this label thanks to their spontaneous,...

Two to Tango (2) – Numerology

As mentioned in the previous post, each number carries unique characteristics or attributes. Your date of birth sums up to a unique single-digit destiny number, which you will then inherit the number’s unique character.  Just in case you were wondering how to get your Destiny Number, refer to this...