Energetic Eight (8) – Numerology

Destiny Number – 8

It’s time to take a look at everyone’s favorite energy number, the wealth, and energetic eight (8).

If you have not gotten your Destiny Number, here is how you get em.  https://starlifewisdom.com/2020/04/30/secret-of-your-destiny-number-numerology/

On the surface, destiny number 8 is always associated with wealth, material, career, and business success. This is in line with many cultures and believes that eight is an auspicious money-making sign. In Chinese dialect, the pronunciation of number 8 even resembled the sound of prosperity/abundance (“Pha” = “Fatt” = “发财”)

However, on a deeper look, people of number 8 are the true master of the energy flow. They understand the true meaning behind energy exchange. They truly understand what you reap is what you sow. As such, they are purposeful, driven, value-minded, and always in thoughts of balanced exchange. People of number 8 have a strong will and never-ending energy. Just like the number 8 written on its side, it represents an infinite amount of power and will. They can call upon this energy to help to push through difficult obstacles or even channel this needed energy to rally a group of people to their course.

People of number 8 can be very material. They are big pictured and constantly focus on gaining an upper hand. This can sometimes be their downfall as they overlook details and create pitfalls. As they are also in constant seek of an equal exchange deal, they may sometimes appear too materialistic and lack a human touch. People of number 8 can be a strong force if they can channel their anger and frustration into creation and serving. 

Suggested line of work for people of destiny number 8:

Entrepreneurs, Deal Makers, Business Director, Sales Director, Strategic and business management 

People with Number 8 are motivated and influenced by:

Big-Picture, Profits, Appearance, Branding, Acknowledged by others, Praise by others, Opportunities.

Here are some key characteristics for people of destiny number 8:

Positive vibration: 

Leadership, Business Acumen, Opportunist, Visionaries, Appreciate Talents, Strong and Energetic. 

Negative vibration:

Controlling, Take Short-Cuts, Material, Lack of Human Touch, Self-Centered. Profit Centric. 

The notable person with destiny number 8:

Giorgio Armani (35/8), Neil Armstrong (35/8), Robin Williams (26/8), Jason Statham (35/8), Andy Lau (35/8), Fan Bing Bing(35/8), Kate Beckinsale (35/8), Matt Damon (26/8)

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