Nurturing Six (6) – Numerology

ca. 2012 — Jeff Bezos — Image by © Michael Prince/Forbes Collection/Corbis Outline

Welcome back to another post on numerology.

Just in case you were wondering what is Destiny Number and how to get yours’, refer to this weblink

This round, let us take a look at the number 6 Destiny Number. 

Number 6 is the motherly figure of all Destiny Number. It carries the most nurturing and caring energy among all the Destiny Number. They tend to care a lot about others, and have a strong sense of empathy. They are all about pleasing, loving, taking care, protecting, and trusting their family and community. Number 6 has a solid belief in justice, responsibility, and loyalty. This is especially true when it comes to treating their loved ones. They have an undying spirit to go all out for the people and cause that they love, even if it means sacrificing themselves. 

Due to their strong protective nature, they may sometimes go overboard and fiddle too much into other’s lives. This may seem like an act of love to number 6, however they may forget that too much care may hinder one from developing responsibility and independence. Number 6 may also be prone to self-sacrifice and tend to play the victim card if they do not get acknowledgment from the community that they serve.

Suggested line of work for people of destiny number 6:

Caretaker, Customer Service, Teach, Educate, Nursing, Human Resource, After Sales, Animal Shelter, Humanitarian aid, 

People with Number 6 are motivated and influenced by:

Security, Sense of belonging, Sympathy, Empathy, Friendship, Justice, Acknowledgement of their contribution

Here are some key characteristics for people of destiny number 6:

Positive vibration: 

Caring, Empathy, Selfless, Observer, Sensitive, Loyal, Responsible, Pleasing, and Serving.

Negative vibration:

Overboard, Jealous, Victim Minded, Reserved, Self victimized, Threaten.

The notable person with destiny number 6:

Jeff Bezos (24/6), Michael Jackson (42/6), Warren Buffet (42/6), Lee Chong Wei (24/6), Albert Einstein (33/6), Stephen King (33/6), Ben Afflick (33/6), Bruce Willis (33/6), 

Thomas Edison (24/6)

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