Two to Tango (2) – Numerology

As mentioned in the previous post, each number carries unique characteristics or attributes. Your date of birth sums up to a unique single-digit destiny number, which you will then inherit the number’s unique character. 

Just in case you were wondering how to get your Destiny Number, refer to this web link

This round, let’s take a look at the number 2 Destiny Number. 

Number 2 is all about balance, peace, and partnership. Give and take is their motto. To them, it is all about striking a win-win deal in all situations. They are the best teammates you can find. Their loyalty and truthfulness are unprecedented. If you treat them with kindness, you will receive equal or more share of returns from them. However, if they are doing the part, they will expect their partners to live up to the expectation as well. They are not the type that can be taken for a ride. 

People with number 2 are very considerate and peace-loving. They see things from multiple perspectives. They are usually detail-oriented and can be very sensitive. They would sometimes take others’ feelings too seriously which can cause hindrance to their development. This is due to the nature that they like to mediate all situations rather than creating conflict in the process of getting to a point.

Suggested line of work for people of destiny number 2:

Administration and finance, human resource, venture partners, operations manager, team sports, event organizer.

People with Number 2 are motivated and influenced by:

Teamwork, support, sense of security, worthiness, assurance, all for one and one for all 我为人人,人人为我.

Here are some key characteristics for people of destiny number 2:

Positive vibration: 

Partnership, Kind, Loyal, Peace-Loving, Meticulous, Sensitive, Family-oriented, Loving.

Negative vibration:

Shy, Afraid Confrontation, In-congruent, Lack Security, Conservative, Beating about the bush. 藕断丝连

The notable person with destiny number 2:

Barack Obama (29/11/2), Lee Ka Shing (38/11/2), Jennifer Aniston(29/11/2), Lee Xian Long (29/11/2), Robert Downey Jr (29/11/2), Chris Evans (29/11/2)

Type in your destiny number at the comments below if the qualities above relate to you. We will notify you of further information about destiny numbers and numerology posts.

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