The greatest hindrance to our goal is Distraction. – BAZI

When we want to drink water, we stand up, walk to the kitchen, pick up the glass, pour water, and drink. Straight, simple, and direct.

If we want to get fitter, we have to watch our diet, note the calories, do the workout, and with time, say bye-bye to fat. 

The same goes for our business and career. There are steps and procedures we got to find out, learn, follow, get to know the right people, and stick to the game plan.

But how come it seems easier said than done even with the tons of information and people to model in information today’s age. The answer lies in our minds. 

Our feeble flickering mind likes to play tricks on us by introducing a hindrance called – Distraction. “Distraction” plays monkey games with us by always trying to divert our attention from our focus task. 

Imagine you just woke up from bed, all planned and ready for your workout routine, and then suddenly “Distraction” kicks in and says: “Why not skip today, let’s take another 15 minutes in bed.” 

In BAZI, counterproductive elements and opposing ten gods are a sign of “Distraction” doing their thing to hinder our plan and growth. 

Traditional ten gods terms such as 伤官见官 (Hurting Officer Seeing Officer); 官煞混杂 (Officer Killing Mixed) are some of the different forms of Distraction that hinder us from progressing towards our goal. 

If you find yourself having Distraction formation in your Bazi chart, you need to keep a constant reminder note to yourself every morning for NOT doing these counterproductive actions. 

Review your daily activity at night before sleep for any distracting action/decision you may have done and keep a short journal. iPhone helps. 

In time, you will be amazed that our mind can subtly learn to drop off these bad distraction habits, and you will be a step closer to the goal you so desire.

#FixDistraction #GetGoal #StarlifeWisdom