How to plot your Bazi chart? (The Modern Way)

Traditional Chinese Thousand Year Calendar

Before we get started into using Bazi to assist us in our endeavors, the first step is to get our personal Bazi chart.

In the old days, to plot your personal Bazi chart, you would need to visit a local Chinese temple. You will need to give the local monk or temple caretaker your date and time of birth, along with a token of appreciation, wait for a few days, then go back to the temple to get your Bazi chart along with a forecast reading for the year by the local monk.

Traditionally, the plotting would require the use of a thousand-year calendar, (“not a thousand-year-old, is just the name of the calendar”) flip through its pages, and convert your gregorian birth date into a Chinese 24 season solar calendar birth date. Is just a different calendar system, there is no magic or voodoo involved.

Today, things are much easier along with the evolution of technology. Many online calculators allow us to plot our Bazi chart quickly, easily, and free! 

In Bazi, the most important focus point is always the Day Stem, aka Day Master. Almost all forms of readings are based on the understanding and interaction between other areas of the chart in comparison to the Day Stem. Remembering your Day Stem aka Day Master character goes a long way into the study of the Bazi system.

In a more advanced study, we would take the whole day column aka Day Pillar, and read it as an entirety.

Try to plot your charts using the links below. There is no better software. Each has its pros and cons, and it depends on the reader or the consultant’s familiarity and preferences. 

Chinese Metasoft:

Bazi Calculator:

House of Kite:

Note: All credit goes to the creator and owner of the software.

Stay tuned for more sharings of Bazi related topics and how to make use of it to improve your career and business.

#Bazi #PlotChart #Starlifewisdom
