Knowledge is Power – The Inquisitor 正印 (“Zhen Yin”)

We have all heard this familiar phrase. In today’s age where knowledge is literary at our fingertips (“with a click of a mouse button”), almost all that wish to be sought can be found. From GPS direction to the great wall of China, to the name of the girl next door, or even human history’s darkest conspiracy theories, nothing escapes the insight power of the internet.

However, having so much information at our disposal, it is easy to see why we get more confused nowadays as we are constantly bombarded with a myriad of contradicting messages. As much as the experts in Google are trying their best to “predict” and “artificially learn” our internet searching behaviors, some level of manual filtering by us is still needed to obtain useful knowledge from the bunch of information found. 

A person with a 正印 (“Zhen Yin”) BaZi structure is good at analyzing, filtering, modeling, and processing information. They are wired to process huge amounts of information and to make sense out of the information obtained. They are good at filtering, compartmentalizing and categorizing information. They can easily identify what information makes sense and what is garbage. They can relate two seemingly unrelated pieces of information and discover something new. They are natural observers who are good at recognizing patterns. It is natural for them to remain quiet as they require time to observe and learn. They are usually not quick in making conclusions as they need more data to fill their inquisitive behavior. They are gifted with a huge memory bank and can memorize large amounts of theoretical data. They are however the most kind-hearted of all the structures found in the study of BaZi. Traditionally, they are known as the “Merciful (慈)”.

The traditional school courses that focus on literal textbooks and memorizing work very well with people of the (“Zhen Yin”) structure. They are usually bookworms by nature and love a good read. They love to collect books and would churn down pages after pages without much hesitation. Many traditional schooling systems would deem these kids as “good” students. They usually can memorize and score well in theoretical examinations.

In the working world, people of the (“Zhen Yin”) structure would suit the roles of administration and support in nature. They would have to make an effort to transform the information that they have into an actionable activity. On a higher mastery of this ability, they can make calculated assumptions and predictions based on past patterns. This would make them very valuable because they can mitigate risk and always be one step ahead of the rest.

The person with 正印 (“Zhen Yin”) BaZi structure is sometimes too risk-averse and uncommitted as they constantly ponder around their information. They are sometimes very indecisive. They may fall prey to the information that helps propel them in the first place. In extreme cases, they always feel what they have is not enough. Therefore, they need to collect more information before they can make a decision. 

Notable person with the Virtuous 正印 (“Zhen Yin”) BaZi structure includes Ray Kurzweil (OCR Inventor), Jack Ma (Ex CEO of Alibaba) and Mother Theresa (Missionarian).

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