Being Different – The Maverick 伤官 (“Shang Guan”)

Just got your hands on a new handphone? What are the few must-have applications you would install to make your handset looks like a “workable” phone? Facebook? Instagram? WhatsApp? WeChat? Twitter? And a whole barrage of social media application? What do you see in common between all these social media applications? Yes, you guess it right, they allow you to share your thoughts. Be it messaging, voice, video, stories, or post, they provide a platform for you to voice out.

With the inception smartphone and the ease of getting messages across to masses via social media application; many people are getting more vocal about their opinions. People are starting to voice out what they like or dislike, challenging the norm and demanding attention from the crowds. Masses nowadays tend to like and follow individuals who have and will give an opinion.

People who would voice their opinion are usually those who have a dominant BaZi star – The Maverick 伤官 (“Shang Guan”).  They are individuals who have something to say. They are usually not afraid of accepting critics by others. Most of the time, they are ready to defend their thoughts. Those who have the Maverick star would usually have an opinion about what they perceived to be the truth.  They are a creative individual and would come up with interesting and innovative ideas. They like challenges and love being right.

If one has a young dominant Maverick 伤官 child, he/she should enroll the child to join classes such as acting, singing, performing, speaking, or encourage them to do storytelling. Doing this will help to train their creative mind at a young age and prepare them to face a larger crowd as they grow older. The parents should encourage them to speak up and share their opinion in front of the public. This will help the child to build confidence since young so that they can differentiate between giving an opinion and arguing for the sake of winning.  An untrained Maverick tends to be quite argumentative and opinionated.

Notable Maverick 伤官 person includes Elton John, Jackie Chan, and Donna Summer.

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