Develop Your Unique Way – Attainment 8

Finding Your Pearl Within

“But I am just a software programmer, what impact can I make on my work?” 

The above was the venting I got from my frustrated friend as she felt aimless at her work.

My reply to her, “If you are focusing on your tool, you would not discover your potential. Try to focus on what problems you would like to “SOLVE” instead, and you may discover your UNIQUE way of using the tool to solve a problem.” 

For example, if you are in the fields below:

Programmers – Instead of designing another webpage in which there are already tons, could you develop software to predict if there is a concentration of pandemic virus in an area?

Engineers – Could you further enhance the optical imaging capability of a parking system to reduce wastage of parking tickets or use camera CCTVs to automatically identify and negate criminal activity? 

Human Resource – Is there a better way to identify and develop people according to their talent and further engage them to deliver instead of sending them to food-filled hotel training for buffet meals?

Finances – Rather than just bookeeping, how can we automate financial knowledge to bring forth early detection of business problems before it is too late to salvage? 

Below are some of the unique ways of people with Attainment 8:-

17/8 – Spearhead Solver. Leader of the pack in venturing into uncharted lands. Focus on practical issues with clear facts. Prone to pride and self-indulgence.

26/8 – Sympathetic Solver. People-oriented and kind. Focus on solving emotional and people needs. A good listener and highly patient. Maybe torn between emotional and practical.

35/8 – Captivating Solver. Creative, lively, and energy filled. Strong at promoting and influencing others to subscribe to their solution. May lack the determination to follow thru.

44/8 – Master Solver. Master architect in creating detail and planning. Solving issues at the fundamental roots. Greater scheme of things. May be slow as they require time to plan and look into details.

In case you are wondering how to get your attainment number, refer to this post.

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