Cutting lost, removing redundancy – Attainment 4

I was talking to a client about his staff issues lately. Apparently, due to recent slowdown, cutting losses has become a potent necessity. 

According to him, he found many repetitive processes in his company that is being done by too many people. Many of his staff were either doing redundant work or lacked a sense of urgency. Work that could have been done by one person, was thinned to three.

The saddest part was, many of them were long-timers in his company. With a heavy heart, what needs to be done, must be done. Removing the redundant and cut losses.

In most growing organizations, cutting waste and redundancy is often overlooked. It is very easy to over-expand and thinks we need all the resources to make things work during good times. However, constantly being able to identify what is excess and removing them in-time, is what makes an organization grow effectively. What goes into the body, must come out eventually.

On the opposite spectrum, if you are working for an organization, are you constantly reviewing your work to make sure you are not working redundantly in any way? Is your work truly important or just feeling important? Do you have the qualities of attainment 4 to make effective of what you do?

Take a look at some of the different management style of attainment 4 below:

13/4 – Insightful manager. Strong leadership sense and with great ability to identify faults. Managing with a zest of creativity and has a great ability to cut losses in the most innovative ways.

22/4 – Super manager. Master Number. Great sense and keen ability to manage and balance resources. Focus on stability. Great sensitivity towards people, markets, and their surroundings. Highly attentive to details.

31/4 – Passionate principle. Expressive and passionate. Eager to share and educate. Great at starting a new project. Good at finding ways to make use of existing resources.

40/4 – Practical manager. Focus on execution and deliverables. Superb execution skills. Straight forwards but stubborn at times.

In case you are wondering how to get your attainment number, refer to this post.

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