Mysterious Seven (7) – Numerology

Destiny Number – 7

I hope everyone is getting the hang of Numerology so far. If you have not gotten your Destiny Number, here is how you get em.

Let’s take a look at the mysterious Seven – 7 for this post.

Of all the numbers, seven (7) gives out the most mysterious vibe of all. There is always something special about 7. Be it a lucky charm, agent 007, jackpot 777, or the football jersey number 7, it gives out an alluring charm which no one seems to be able to ignore. 

Number 7 is the most analytical and intelligent number of all. Nothing can be hidden away from them. They are highly logical and sharp at all times. Don’t ever try to skim through the details as they quickly point out the fine print and question your authenticity. Once you lose their trust, there is no turning back. Number 7 can sometimes be dreamy and appear to be introverted because they like to dig deep into their cerebral mind. Sometimes they can establish predictive thoughts just by mapping out complex mind map possibilities in their mind. This makes them extremely efficient in analyzing, strategizing, or studying trends and patterns.

Their curiosity and the urge to seek the truth can make them cynical and skeptical about people. Due to this nature, it often makes them hard to trust others. Others also tend to feel their air and may mistakenly take it as arrogant. People of number 7 dislike random occurrences, as it challenges their understanding. As such, they tend to be controlling towards everything to ensure things turn out according to their way.

Suggested line of work for people of destiny number 7:

Strategist, Analytical Researchers, Philosophers, Metaphysician, Scientist, Specialist Surgeon, Financial Specialist, Criminal investigation.

People with Number 7 are motivated and influenced by:

Facts and figures, logics and truth, data, patterns and records, professionalism and specialization, established system.

Here are some key characteristics for people of destiny number 7:

Positive vibration: 

Logical, mindful, sharp, intelligent, mysterious, learned, truth-seeking, analytical, thoughtful.

Negative vibration:

Controlling, introvert, suspicious, cunning, stubborn, like to seek the truth even if it hurts others, secretive.

The notable person with destiny number 7:

James Cameron (34/7), Steven Hawking (25/7), Winston Churchill (25/7), Princess Diana (25/7), Bruce Lee (25/7), Tun Mahathir (25/7), Carlos Slim Helu (25/7), Larry Elison (34/7), 

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