Charismatic Star Three (3) – Numerology

Destiny Number – 3

In this post, we’ll be taking a look at Destiny Number 3. 

Just in case you were wondering how to get your Destiny Number, refer to this web link

People with destiny number 3 are often called the Star of numerology. They got this label thanks to their spontaneous, outgoing, and charismatic personality. They are the most expressive of all the numbers and will not hesitate to showcase publicly. They have a natural gift of the gab and are highly creative to a hint of street smart cunning. They tend to be optimistic and can find positivity in any situation. They tend to hop around people expressing their feelings, ideas, creativity, and imagination.

Destiny number 3 are attention seekers. They thrive under the spotlight and would do whatever to grab the limelight. They may sometimes be prone to hurting others’ feelings without knowing it. And because they see things too positively as well, they tend to overlook the emotional side of things. People with number 3 can sometimes appear childish, spoiled, and lack responsibility.

Suggested line of work for destiny number 3 people:

Actors, musicians, comedians, arts, superstar salespeople, superstar tutors, star presenter, public speaker, public figure, Youtuber, Instagrammer.

People with Number 3 are motivated and influenced by:

Attention limelight, fast paced, challenges, excitement, afraid of losing out, like being praised. 

Here are some key characteristics for Destiny Number 3:

Positive vibration: 

Talkative, Expressive, Creative, Quick Witted, Positive, Inquisitive, Gift of the Gab.

Negative vibration:

Childish, Hasty, Naive, Distracted, Lack of direction, Irresponsible.

The notable person with destiny number 3:

Jacky Chan (30/3), Cameron Diaz (30/3), Louis Koo (21/3) Katy Perry (30/3), Christina Aguilera (30/3), Aaron Kwok (30/3), Gal Gadot (30/3), Xi Jinping (30/3), Jack Ma (30/3)

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