Leader ‘ O One (1) – Numerology

Destiny Number – 1

I hope you are able to find your ‘Destiny Number (Life Path Number)’ from the previous post. Just in case you missed it, please refer to this weblink  https://starlifewisdom.com/2020/04/30/secret-of-your-destiny-number-numerology/ on how to find your ‘Destiny Number’. 

Each number carries unique characteristics or attributes. It is somewhat similar to the character and personality of a person. When your date of birth sums up to a single-integer destiny number, you will inherit the unique characteristic of the specified number. 

Now, let’s start with the first number, Numero – One.

Number 1 always represents the first, the leader, and the beginning. It is the primal number and origin. It carries strong energy to spring forth, breakthrough, and to create. It is the energy of a doer. They start, create, pioneer, and begin. They desire to be the first and always strive to be different from others. They are determined, strong-headed, and will not let anything stand in their way to accomplish their goal. They can accomplish many goals in life if they put forth their focused mind. 

People of destiny number 1 always aim to achieve great things in life. They like to create many new projects and endeavors. However, they tend to lose focus and concentration to finish though. They like to try out different things in life and would get bored easily with repetitive or detailed-oriented tasks. As they are driven to win, they might get critical or quick-tempered. 

Suggested line of work for people of destiny number 1:

Business development managers, entrepreneurs, project leaders, key opinion leaders (KOL), specialists, market leaders. 

Here are some key characteristics of destiny number 1:

Positive vibration: 

Leader, Starter, Pioneer, Independent, Confident, Principled, Control.

Negative vibration:

Stubborn, Critical, Self-centered, Not a good finisher, Hot-tempered.

People of destiny number 1 are motivated, influenced by:

The Notable Person with destiny number 1:

Henry Ford, Eminem, Tom Cruise, Charlie Chaplin, Hugh Jackman, Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga, Walt Disney

Dear friends of destiny number 1, please type ‘1’ in the comment below. If you think you have most of the characteristics of Destiny Number 1 but your Destiny Number is not 1, you may leave your comments too. Let us study your destiny number chart in detail. We will notify you of further information about the combinations of destiny numbers.

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