Your Platform (“The Arena”) – Career Progression

A showcase platform is a place where people gather to watch a performance. It can be a racing track for F1 circuit racing, a running track for athletes competing in a 100m sprint or an auditorium for a piano concerto performance. A platform consists of the competitors/ performers, regulators/judges, and paying spectators or audience. It is known as your Arena for performance. Without a platform, no event would take place, no performers would demonstrate and certainly, no audience would attend the show.

In our work, we need platforms to demonstrate our work as well. A platform can be a community, a company, an online forum, or an individual private group on Facebook. If you own a platform, you would have to say over its rules, culture, audience, and content. Having your own platform in work allows you to have an advantage over your own domain expert area. You would be able to contribute to the community/audience, voice your opinion, connect with people of a similar domain, and leverage or connect to people who have a bigger platform.

It takes an effort to develop a career platform. It is not an overnight success. Developing a career platform involves sharing and delivering content that is relevant to your domain knowledge. “Performing” involves connecting with people that would be interested in your content (i,e., the audience). It takes effort to bring and encourage people to join your platform (i.e., networking). Besides, it is also important to regulate, filter and administer your platform so that only the focused audience gets the relevant content from you (i.e., funneling). 

Share your thoughts and comments about your type of work platform.

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