The Best Offence Is A Solid Defense – Career Progression

Drawing Picture by Wolfi Korn

If you are a fan of sports ball games, you’ll often hear that the best offense is a solid defense. I was an avid water polo player back in my younger days. In the game of water polo, the ball changes hands just like any basketball or soccer game. We could string out the best attack strategy that we could muster and score a spectacular stunning goal. However, if our defenses were sketchy, we would lose the goal advantage and be leveled by our opponent just as easily. It is not easy to strategist an attack and get a goal. However, it is very easy to lose a goal due to our mistake. Our coach always shouts “Defense!!!” to the bottom of his throat with face busting red and eyes almost ready to pop!

In our career, having a solid defensive strategy is just as important. Defensive strategies are often used in business terms but seldom in career progression. However, it does not mean that it does not exist. Career individuals are in fact the driving force behind the business organization. The work that we do day-in/ day-out directly relates to the business organization strategy.

Understanding your own functions and personality through metaphysics helps you to build up the needed career defensive strategies.

PRUDENCE – Always exercise cautiousness. Spend wisely and focus on what is currently needed. Focus on effectiveness and have a backup plan in case of an emergency.

EFFICIENCY – Reduce wastage. Help to save cost and reuse. Cut the unnecessary red-tapes and focus on speed. Just do it!

RESOURCES – Having specific knowledge, people and know-how gives us a significant advantage. Imagine you are the only one who knows how to cook the main dish in your restaurant!

CREATIVITY – A problem solving centric mind is essential for today’s complex career environment. Anyone can point out and contract a problem, but not many could provide useful solutions to solve a complex problem. Focus on solving problems and not let it wonder with the drift of the problem.

DRIVE – The sheer power and energy a person exhibits are contagious. When things do not go well, people who have the drive, energy, determination, toughness and faith are the ones that can pull through no matter the obstacles. Their will power would find a solution to the problems.

Leave us a comment if you would like to share other great pointers.

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